Step 1 – Adding more spots
First, we will add more spots to existing classes. All Saturday`s classes will have 14 spots, starting this week. These classes are NOT for newbies in our Intro! The reason we allow 14 athletes, although only one coach is simple:
Our “Suffer Saturday” is (and always was) designed for experienced athletes and usually has a fun Team-WOD programed. Athletes are sharing equipment and space. Your coaches will still be able to provide personal feedback on technique & proper scaling options.
Note: The following two Saturdays, there is another OPEN class at 11:30, only for athletes who cannot attend Friday Night Lights. After the OPEN, this class will turn back into a regular “Suffer Saturday” with 14 spots as well.
Monday`s 12:30 class will turn into a 2-Coaches with Micha & Daniel guiding 14 athletes instead of 10. This class is for veterans and newbies, like our evening 2-Coaches classes.
These changes offer 16 additional training spots per week!

Step 2 – WOD published earlier
We decided to publish your WOD 48h in advance. That means, you will be able to see e.g. Monday`s WOD on Saturday at midnight already. In our CFH history, we never published our WOD this early, because we`ve been afraid of people cancelling as soon as they see the workout.
But reality shows, “cherry picking” happens and we can`t avoid it. Especially when Thrusters come up. Publishing the WOD early will be beneficial for those members who participate in other sports or another gyms besides CFH.
It will also be good for those members with painful restrictions or injuries. Planning in advance, if the WOD will be ok or even a scaled option doesn`t make sense.
Long story short, cancellations will hopefully happen earlier. This leaves more time for others to plan their training earlier.

Step 3 – More Classes
Yes, we plan to provide more classes. As you can imagine, there are only few possibilites for doing so. An additional “Early Bird” at 6:30am, another lunch class Friday`s at 11:30 and another CrossFit, Friday`s at 19:00 are in consideration.
Let us know, where YOU would love to see another class! And what class it should be? Thank You for your feedback!
Your Team CFH