Swiss Team Challenge 24

Swiss Team Challenge 24

The Swiss Team CHallenge is the biggest team competition of the country with more than 3000 athletes and about 800 teams. Whether you are a veteran CrossFitter or a newbie, you have no excuses not to participate!

In traditional CFH fashion, we are spending a full day with grueling workouts, BBQ, beers and awesome people. All you have to do is joining or building a mixed team and choose one of three different categories for the challenge: Firebreathers, Regulars or Rookies.

Every team of 4 must have at least one male and one female athlete. Your team cannot have more than 1 male and 1 female CrossFit Games Semifinal athlete. The main purpose is FUN.

The workouts will be published in June, prior to the competition. This allows you to determine the category for your team, if you are not sure yet.

Simple rule of thumb:

If you perform most of our regular WODs Rx+ your team should compete Firebreather. If you perform some WODs Rxd and some scaled, your team should compete Regular. If you are a newbie and perform all WODs scaled, your team should compete Rookie. Ask your coaches, when in doubt.

The link below will answer your questions regarding the competition and the official rules. Every team has to assign at least one judge to help during other heats. An athlete with judging experience (from past Open or similar events) is recommended.

In the past, we had lots of members asking if it would be possible to only participate half a day. The answer is NO. You have to commit for the full day, if you want to participate. When in doubt, you shouldn`t join any team. It´s super disappointing, if a team member has to cancel last minute. If there is no substitute available, the remaining 3 athletes will not be able to participate without a complete team.

The event timetable will be published as soon as we have a total number of teams. But it´s very likely, that the first heat will start around 8:30 am and the last heat somewhere north of 5 pm. The BBQ will start as soon as the competition is over and all teams finished 3 events. The weather will be perfect (as always on the STC) and we will chill and hang around enjoying post workout beers and awesome company.

Another CFH tradition will stay alive as we will have external teams joining. No STC without our longtime friends from CrossFit Höllental. And participating for the first time CrossFit Rheinfelden with legendary Coach Mo. Who is going to claim the title of the fittest Box this year?

Event fee (including competition, BBQ and beers):

CFH members pay 20,- Franken (= 80,- per team, if all athletes are CFH members)

Non-members pay 25,- Franken (= 100,- per team, if all athletes are external)

Every athlete has to provide his/her own food during the day. We recommend sufficient liquid with minerals, especially when it`s hot. Our vending machine will be full of snacks and Noccos. As always, feel free to contribute to our traditional Dessert Buffet.

The respective teamcaptains are responsible for the total team fee payment and for forwarding all relevant informations to their team members. The teamcapatin is also responsible for official team registration. You will receive the link from your event hosts Micha & Daniel.

Please, use the list on the info board (next to our Wodify Kiosk) to sign up and put down all the team members names. Deadline for internal team sign-up is Sunday June 9. If your name is not on the list by then, you can only participate if an athlete has to cancel last minute due to illness or injury.

If there are single athletes left, we will support you and put together teams taking the preferred category into account. This might lead to mixed teams of HelvetiX, Höllental or Rheinfelden athletes. But please be aware, first of all it`s up to YOU to find a team, if you want to participate.

It`s possible to order official STC shirts online, but CFH doesn`t earn anything from it. Feel free to choose your own team outfit. We are looking forward to another great day of sweat and fun. Gather your troops!

Your Team CFH

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