Core Values

Core Values

“CFH is more than a gym!”

Every single member of our tribe (including athletes, coaches & owners) is commited to the following “rules” and values. These have never been written down before, but have been seeded back in 2014 and grew with every new athlete and team member, like a tree`s roots under the surface. CFH is more than a gym! It`s a community of support, education and encouragement.

At CFH, our core values consist of the following 4 pillars:

Safety: First things first! We are learning the mechanics, practicing consistency and adding intensity. We are striving for long term physical and mental well-being. We are taking pain seriously – not only working hard, but working smart and focused.

Fun: We are enjoying training, through a sense of achievement and our supportive community. Working out together is the key component for the effectiveness of our way of training. We are smiling, swearing, sweating and suffering together. We are making friends, sharing results and keep coming back for more.

Progress: Learning new skills and continuously improving fitness is our mission. We are working on our weaknesses and not cherry picking WODs. We are keeping track of our progress by saving our individual scores and performances after each training. We are constantly raising the bar and strive to become a fitter version of ourselves.

Respect: We are arriving on time, taking care of the equipment and following the coaches guidance. We are introducing ourselves to new members, we are nice to each other and we are not judging others looks or performances. We are supporting each other and we are cheering for the last. The workout isn`t over until the last person is done.

“New members don`t know, how it feels…”

Corona did have major impacts on our class structures and our overall behavior inside the box. Most of them not in a positive way. New members don`t know, how it feels to be high fived or even hugged after a grueling “Swiss Team Challenge” event. They`ve never experienced the adrenaline rush of a crowd cheering them to their final reps in “The CrossFit Games Open”.

“Your coaches want this spirit back!”

That`s why we – as a team – decided to bring back high fives (fist bumps are legit also) after every WOD and encourage all of our members to do the same. We also like you to cheer for your fellow athletes, instead of chatting (bad idea) or removing your equipment (even worse). The workout isn`t over before the last person is done. Cheer on your buddies before you clean up, please! People first, fitness follows.


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